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Stephen M. Russell [click to go to my home page]
I have always enjoyed research and teaching. Looks like my career is headed in that direction. Here you can find out more about my research intrests, work and projects.
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RESEARCH PROJECTS & PAPERS (Page 4): Here you can find copies of some of the papers I have written. Some are published papers and others pilot work.

READ This paper is a pilot study I wrote for a qualitative research methodology course. The software I wrote can be found in research oriented software.
READ Here is a paper that about a system I developed while doing my masters.
Sorace, J., Canfield, K., and Russell, S. "Functional Bioinformatics: The Cellular Response Database," Frontiers in Bioscience (2) 1997.
READ This is a white paper on truck tracking system implementation issues. This paper is intended to provide a survey of contemporary systems.

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